FatCoupon Privacy Policy

Data Protection Declaration

We recognize the importance of processing personal data responsibly and strive to comply with all relevant legal requirements. Your privacy is paramount to us, and we adhere to data protection laws.

Group-oriented Data Protection

Our data processing methods depend on the group to which individuals belong: Publishers, Merchants, and Users.

Contact Information

FatCoupon Technology Ltd

Email: FCAMTeam@fatcoupon.com

Marketing Director: Joanna

Email: joanna@fatcoupon.com

External Data Protection Officer: Ray

Email: Ray@fatcoupon.com

Personal Information

Personal data includes information about a specific or identifiable person, such as name, address, or contact details.

Legal Basis

We process your data based on your consent, contract execution, or legitimate interests.

Justified Interests

We process data to improve our services, prevent misuse, and generate statistics.

Sources of Data

Data is primarily provided by users.

Data Processed and Purpose of Use

We collect and store data voluntarily provided during the registration process for contract fulfillment and customer support.

Duration of Storage

We store data until consent is revoked, the contractual relationship ends, or as long as necessary for legitimate interests.

Backup of Data

We employ technical and organizational measures to protect data from unauthorized access or loss.


We use session cookies to enhance website usage. Users can adjust browser settings to manage cookie preferences.

Third-party Services

We utilize third-party services such as Affilinet, Commission Junction, Zanox, and Amazon. Users may opt out of cookies.

Rights of the Data Subject

Data subjects have the right to access, rectify, revoke consent, and request deletion or restriction of personal data.

Requirement or Obligation to Provide Data

Data provision is not obligatory unless explicitly stated.

User Opt-Out

Users can exercise their rights and manage data preferences through our opt-out page.

Status of this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was last updated on 05.13.2024 and is subject to change.